Sunday, August 23, 2009

10 Things I Have Tried for Psoriasis

The list could have been 3 pages long but there are the Top 10 Things in no particular order:

1. Elomet Ointment
2. Daivonex Ointment
3. Coal Tar Shampoo (Helps with the itch and flakes a little)
4. Emu Oil
5. Avoid duck, prawns and crabs (Chinese believes it's poisonous but it didn't help one bit! O_0)
6. Coconut oil & ginger-based products (not together) i.e moisturiser & bathing gel
7. Sea salts (I think this helps get rid of the dry skin)
8. Baby bittergourd & frog double-boiled soup (Chinese have lots of ideas)
9. Go vegetarian. Tried to have 2 vegetarian lunches in a week. Didn't last up to a month. I love my meat.
10. Dr. Xeniji fruit enzyme by Elken courtesy of my mother-in-law. (Tastes nice but don't think it helped much after 2 boxes. Expensive product)


  1. Wah this girl-ah
    Blog about skin more important than blog about her Big Day !!!

  2. Hello! Firstly this blog is specially for my skin, so must focus :) To you AC, yes u know me very well too... I need my meat fix!

  3. Apart from the skin focus, you could let readers have insight into other nooks of your life. Sharing some of the challenges and how you deal with it. Appreciate/acknowledge the supportive people around you. Lament/rebuke(?) those who are less understanding due to ignorance..?

  4. i have tried most of the things that you have tried. nothing really helps much.

  5. Ya looks like we are all in the same shoes. Have yet to find something really effective.

  6. pls visit my blog : I've posted an article (in Bahasa) on psoriasis...maybe we can share something
